Cannot Use Copy/Paste shortcut in NoMachine With Mac

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  • #36277

    Hello, I cannot use the command+c or command+v shortcut to copy and paste text in NoMachine. My “grab the keyboard input” is on, yet I still cannot copy and paste.

    Server version: 6.9.2 with player 7.7.4

    Server OS: Linux

    Thank you.



    NoMachine remaps the keyboard modifiers to emulate the remote desktop keyboard. If connecting to Linux, please try with ctrl+c and ctrl-v.

    We have a Feature Request which will allow users to modify their own keyboard mapping:



    I have tried using control+c and control+v which only inputs a “^C” and “^V” in my terminal. I have also tried using alt+c and alt+v and nothing happens there as well. In the forum you sent, I found that it suggests I click the “modifier keys” button under “keyboard and mouse”, but there is no button there named “modifier keys” so I can get to the pop-up window. Again, my “grab the keyboard input” is on. I’m really confused why this isn’t working.


    I think I may have not replied to correct way!

    The issue is not caused from using command+c and command+v. I have tried to use control+c and control+v. Whenever I do this a “^C” and “^V” displays on my terminal instead. I checked the forum that you sent which states there is a “modifier keys” button that the user can click to change keyboard input, however, this button does not exist under “keyboard and mouse” for me. Again, my “grab the keyboard input” is on. I have also tried using alt+c and alt+v which does not help either.


    this button does not exist under “keyboard and mouse” for me.

    The Feature Request link that I sent is a feature that has not been implemented yet.


    Can you please try pasting into the terminal with a combination of Ctrl+Shift+V? Some terminal apps use Ctrl+C/V as their inside commands and clipboard is handled by another one (usually by adding Shift key, but it might vary depending on the terminal you use). In addition have you tried pasting with the middle mouse button?

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Closed because the user did not provide further feedback. Please notify us if you confirm that it is resolved or open a new topic if you have the same problem.