Connect from Window to Red Hat Linux 5 ‘Authentication failure’ error

Forum / NoMachine for Windows / Connect from Window to Red Hat Linux 5 ‘Authentication failure’ error

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  • #14056

    Hello all!

    I am trying to connect to an rhel server in my university with nx. Although the credentials are correct it fails to log me in, the  error message is  “Authentication Failure”. My computer runs on windows 7. I have the same problem with nx 3.5 and NoMachine 5 for windows (I tried them both). I have been trying to fix this issue for quite a time now and I haven’t made any progress. Has anyone any idea why is this happening?


    Are you trying to connect using NX or SSH? This seems to be a server-side problem. Can you tell us what is installed on the server (OS and version)? Is it possible for you to contact the administrator? They can then open a support enquiry in the customer area or contact us directly via Contact Us and our Info team will try to provide further assistance.


    I am trying to connect using nx. The operating system is Red Hat Linux 5. I will try to get in contact with the administrator.

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Closed because the user did not provide further feedback. Please notify us if you confirm that it is resolved or open a new topic if you have the same problem.