Connection failed from NoMachine Windows client to Linux on AWS

Forum / NoMachine for Linux / Connection failed from NoMachine Windows client to Linux on AWS

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  • #23831

    I’m just testing NoMachine for the first time.
    I want to be able to log into a headless AWS CentOS 7 Linux machine from Windows 10 client.

    Server: NoMachine – Version 6.8.1  Free

    Windows: NoMachine 6.8.1 Free
    I installed both NoMachine and Gnome (Gnome Shell 3.28.3) on CentOS.
    Started Gnome and NoMachine:

    sudo startx
    sudo /etc/NX/nxserver –restart

    Port 4000 is open.
    UDP ports 4651 and 4011-4999 are open.

    Connecting from the Windows, NoMachine client fails.  I see the following.
    Looks like maybe related to encryption.  I have installed the public key on the server and private key on the client.

    18732 20336 15:36:17 796.368 ClientSession: Starting session at 0x037e8128.
    18732 20336 15:36:17 796.368 ClientSession: Going to start session ‘C:\Users\george\OneDrive\Documents\NoMachine\Connection to’.
    18732 20336 15:36:17 932.991 Connection: Finishing connection at 0x061ddc00.
    18732 20336 15:36:17 932.991 ClientDaemonConnector: Stopping the current connection.
    18732 20336 15:36:17 964.907 Connection: Finished connection at 0x061ddc00.
    18732 20336 15:36:17 964.907 Connection: Initializing connection at 0x061ddc00.
    18732 20336 15:36:17 999.785 Connection: Initialized connection at 0x061ddc00.
    18732 20336 15:36:17 999.785 Connection: Starting connection at 0x061ddc00.
    18732 20336 15:36:17 999.785 ClientDaemonConnector: Starting a new connection to host ‘’ on port ‘4000’.
    18732 20336 15:36:18 000.794 Connection: Started connection at 0x061ddc00.
    Info: Connection to port 4000 started at 15:36:18 084.563.
    18732 20336 15:36:18 085.562 ClientSession: Started session at 0x037e8128.
    18732 1464 15:36:18 776.066 DaemonLogin/DaemonLogin: WARNING! Read from FD#3216 failed.
    18732 1464 15:36:18 776.066 DaemonLogin/DaemonLogin: WARNING! Error 5, ‘Input/output error’.
    18732 1464 15:36:18 777.058 Encryptor/Encryptor: ERROR! Encryption read from BIO pending 0 wpending 0 retry 8.
    18732 1464 15:36:18 777.058 Encryptor/Encryptor: ERROR! Encryption read from BIO failed in context [B].
    Error: Encryption read from BIO failed in context [B].
    18732 1464 15:36:18 777.058 Encryptor/Encryptor: ERROR! Encryption read from BIO pending 0 wpending 0 retry 8.
    18732 1464 15:36:18 777.058 Encryptor/Encryptor: ERROR! Encryption read from BIO failed in context [B].
    Error: Encryption read from BIO failed in context [B].
    18732 1464 15:36:18 777.058 Channel/Channel: WARNING! Runnable DaemonWriter failed for FD#3216.
    18732 1464 15:36:18 777.058 Channel/Channel: WARNING! Error is 146, ‘Not a data message’.
    18732 20336 15:36:18 777.058 Connection: WARNING! Ignoring the I/O error and waiting for the daemon error reporting.
    18732 19900 15:36:18 778.055 DaemonClientApplication/DaemonClientApplication: WARNING! Session terminated abnormally.
    18732 19900 15:36:18 778.055 DaemonClientApplication/DaemonClientApplication: WARNING! Error is 5, ‘Input/output error’.
    Warning: Connection to port 4000 failed at 15:36:18 778.055.
    Warning: Error is 5, ‘Input/output error’.
    18732 19900 15:36:18 778.055 Encryptor/Encryptor: WARNING! Destroying pending buffer with 11 bytes.
    18732 20336 15:36:18 779.053 Connection: Connection at 0x061ddc00 failed.


    Hi, to understand better what is happening, we need to see the server-side logs from the AWS CentOS machine.

    Please follow the instructions here: and then send them to forum[at]nomachine[dot]com.

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Closed because the user did not provide further feedback. Please notify us if you confirm that it is resolved or open a new topic if you have the same problem.