Connection from Windows 10 to Linux Mint Mate 19.2 connects then drops

Forum / NoMachine for Linux / Connection from Windows 10 to Linux Mint Mate 19.2 connects then drops

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  • #24542

    Good evening.  I am rather new to NoMachine and having some trouble.  I installed NoMachine on both my Linux Mint Mate 19.2 box (fresh install of OS) and on my Windows 10 desktop.  When I try to connect to my Linux box from Windows it appears to connect and then exits.   When I watch what’s going on in Linux, when it tries to connect it shows user connected and then within 1 or 2 seconds shows user disconnects.  But doesn’t give any other details.

    How do I track down any logs to see what is occurring and then how to fix?




    Hi, we are unable to reproduce this issue.

    Can you send us the logs from the Linux server host and the Windows client? You will need to follow the instructions here for the two machines.

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Closed because the user did not provide further feedback. Please notify us if you confirm that it is resolved or open a new topic if you have the same problem.