How to lower bandwidth consumption with VP8?

Forum / NoMachine for Linux / How to lower bandwidth consumption with VP8?

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  • #19764


    I’m testing NoMachine 6.2.4-1 on Linux (Ubuntu mate 18.04 and 16.04) H.264 is not usable (doesn’t work for my hardware/config … not an option).

    So as I have a low DSL bandwidth 2Mb down and 800Kb up  the result with a dual display server side 3840×1080 with VP8 it is kind of choppy/jerky and unresponsive desktop.

    To avoid those problems with VNC protocols/software I lower color (8bits), is there any equivalent  tuning available with NoMachine/VP8 ?

    Thanks for your answer.



    Have you tried to decrease “Quality” in the client display settings?


    Sorry for 1 month answer  ..

    I tried the last version 6.3.6, same problem in VP8

    Yes I tried all sets quality doesn’t change it’s not really usable with very low quality as i can’t read text correctly with each movement of windows/object it takes several seconds to adjust resolution …

    I’m back with VNC technologies with low color 8bits but lack the friendly open/close/lock user session.



    Hello. Conversion to a lower color depth is currently not in our plans. By the way, I understand you’d have found it useful for your case. We’ll evaluate such a feature request.

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