Single monitor Max OSX client to Linux server with multiple monitors

Forum / NoMachine for Mac / Single monitor Max OSX client to Linux server with multiple monitors


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  • #5287

    I have a Max OSX machine with single monitor. I am using NX 4.0+ to connect to a linux machine (Ubuntu 14.04 ) with multiple monitors.

    I am finding the experience totally unusable. I am getting both the remote monitors scaled down on my local monitor.

    All I want is primary monitor display from the server being sent to the client.

    Is this possible?

    Also the client flickers a lot when run on Mac.


    Hi feroze!

    Can you please report the exact versions of NoMachine on client and server? It is important to determine if we’ve fixed some of the issues you are experiencing.
    About the multiple monitors on the server, we’re working on a feature that you will find useful:

    Giving the possibility to switch between monitors of the remote server

    While waiting for this feature you may have a better experience by disabling the scaling mode. You can do it by unchecking the button ‘Fit to window‘ in the Display menu panel.

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Closed because the user did not provide further feedback. Please notify us if you confirm that it is resolved or open a new topic if you have the same problem.