Virtual machine on headless GPU

Forum / NoMachine for Linux / Virtual machine on headless GPU

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  • #27219

    We have an on-premises cloud service that allows me to run either Ubuntu 18.04 or Centos 7 VM on a 6 CPU core, Volta 100 GPU node. This is a true headless system, as there isn’t a monitor connector. For either operating system, I can get NoMachine working (using MATE or XFCE4), but the rendering performance isn’t nearly as good as I’d hoped for. For example, glxgears looks worse than with a CPU-only VM, though the reported frame rates are much higher.  Paraview does report that it’s using the GPU, so I’m confident the NVidia drivers are installed correctly.  Anyone have any experience with headless, GPU VM’s working well with NoMachine?


    Hello, could you post the output of glxinfo?

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