Info: Starting NoMachine version 7.7.4. Info: Loading settings from 'C:\Users\mariadolores.martin\.nx\config\player.cfg'. Info: Loaded translation files for 'English'. 12992 14528 09:27:24 035.675 Main: Creating the client session. 12992 14528 09:27:24 036.674 ClientSession: Initializing session at 0x0164db10. 12992 14528 09:27:26 781.798 ClientSession: Initialized session at 0x0164db10. 12992 14528 09:27:26 792.795 ClientSession: Starting session at 0x0164db10. 12992 14528 09:27:26 821.786 ClientSession: Going to start session 'C:\Users\mariadolores.martin\Documents\NoMachine\MA5069'. 12992 14528 09:27:26 877.767 ClientThread: Creating new thread. 12992 14528 09:27:26 986.732 Connection: Initializing connection at 0x05941678. 12992 14528 09:27:26 988.732 Connection: Initialized connection at 0x05941678. 12992 14528 09:27:26 988.732 Connection: Starting connection at 0x05941678. 12992 14528 09:27:26 989.732 DaemonSshConnector: Starting a new connection to host '' on port '5622'. 12992 14528 09:27:26 991.731 Connection: Started connection at 0x05941678. 12992 14528 09:27:27 011.724 ClientSession: Started session at 0x0164db10. Info: Slave server running with pid 1944. Info: Listening to slave connections on port 59398. 12992 14528 09:27:27 023.720 Main: Entering the GUI event loop. Info: Connection to port 5622 started at 09:27:27 635.526. 12992 6656 09:27:27 768.483 ClientSession: A valid certificate for this server was found. 12992 14528 09:27:28 482.255 Connection: WARNING! Ignoring the I/O error and waiting for the daemon error reporting. Info: Connection to port 5622 closed at 09:27:28 483.255. 12992 14528 09:27:28 483.255 Connection: Connection at 0x05941678 failed. 12992 14528 09:27:28 483.255 ClientSession: Runnable at 0x05941678 caused the session at 0x0164db10 to fail. 12992 14528 09:27:28 483.255 ClientSession: Failing reason is 'The connection with the server was lost'. 12992 14528 09:27:28 491.253 ClientSession: Stopping session at 0x0164db10. Info: Slave server running with pid 5456. Info: Listening to slave connections on port 26924. 12992 14528 09:27:28 527.242 Connection: Stopping connection at 0x05941678. 12992 14528 09:27:28 527.242 DaemonSshConnector: Stopping the current connection. 12992 14528 09:27:28 528.241 Connection: Stopped connection at 0x05941678. 12992 14528 09:27:28 602.218 ClientSession: Stopped session at 0x0164db10.